Welcome to Taleypo's Scrapbook of Storytelling. Inside you will find a patchwork of moments captured while Marilyn Kinsella told her stories. Many memories have been collected since 1981 - pictures, drawings, thank you notes, newspaper and magazine articles, and my heroes along the way. Just click on the headings or thumbprint pictures below to travel alongside the strange and memorable journey of Taleypo.
1981 - 1989 Newbie, Novice, Fledgling,
1990 - 1999 Apprentice, Experienced, Journeywoman
2000 - Professional, Freelance Artist, Master Storyteller
Personal stories Retirement Article in Woman's Day
Tellabration Yeehaw! at Eckert's Journey of the White Horse
Piasa Puppet Show Article Adirondack College Collinsville Library
On Butterfly Wings Riverwind How Did You Know John?
A Round Way to Get To It The Sights, The Sounds, Storytell...Do Tell
The Story of the 1904 World's Fair Listserve posts
Chicago Conference 2003 Prosems from Taleypo Tribute to Leanne Johnson
When Hummingbirds Come Callin'
Grandmother Adelia, the Artist