Volume 1, No. 1              Academy of Notre Dame, Belleville, Illinois                         July, 2009

     Editor - Marilyn Kinsella:


Welcome to the first edition of The Read-A-Wee. It has lain in hiatus since 1972, when the doors of the Academy were closed. Yes, the doors may be closed but the Academy lives on in the hearts and minds of her alum. Recently, some who attended the Academy from various years decided to meet to see if there were any others who may want to meet to swap stories and set some goals for the future.

As serendeptious as it may seem, the Notre Dame Motherhouse asked past alums from Belleville to a luncheon in May. About 100 alums from various years attended. The motherhouse is a fabulous storehouse of memories of the schools they've served over the years. There were many pictures of our Academy as well. After a delicious lunch, the nuns surprised us with a Power Point Presentation that had many, many old pictures from our Academy days. It was great to meet up with some of our former teachers. Many thanks to the motherhouse for an enjoyable daytrip down memory lane.

The first meeting of the AND Alums came to order at Ray's Restaurant in Belleville on March 26, 2009. Julie Orlet-Schoen conducted the meeting that started with a rousing rendition of our school song. Classmates from the 1940's, 1950's, 1960's, and 1970's were in attendance. After much laughter about school uniform malfunctions and AND shenanigans, they got down business. The following items were discussed

  • Claiming naming rights for a new room at Althoff High School. Since we don't have a school anymore, it seemed like a good place to call home. It was decided to try hold more all-year functions to encourage participation.
  • The possibility of setting up a scholarship fund.
  • Setting up a AND website with its own domain name and using the webpages that are on this site.
  • Setting up a database with as many emails of former students that wish to be on the list.

Anyone reading this, who would like to have their email address added to a master list of former AND graduates, please contact Melanie Grimm (Wondolowski) at or me at Please include your current name, the name while at AND, and the year you graduated.


                 For more pictures, click HERE


  Can you name these teachers? Click HERE for answers

Take a trip down memory lane for all you who grew up in the St. Louis area:

All Facebook users: There is now an Academy of Notre Dame, Belleville, IL group. Check it out and join in on the conversation and updates. Just click the group icon at the bottom of the page to find it.



The second AND ALUMS Get-together at Tim and Joe's in Belleville. Close to 100 ANDers came out to toast the coming together of "the girls." Classes from the 1940s to the 1970s were there to commiserate and listen to the plans for future projects and events.


       (thanks to Mary Brisk pictured here for these and other snaps)

For more pictures of the event, click Pics from Tim and Joes June 2009.html

It was reported that over $12,000.00 has been ear-marked as a claim to the naming rights for a newly-renovated room at Althoff. Gift may be made through the                                  Althoff High School Vision 2009    But...
Be sure to ask that your contribution goes to the AND fund. You can make one lump sum or stretch out your gift over several years.

They would like ideas for future get-togethers.

There was also discussion as to the where-abouts of the statue of the Blessed Mother that was in the grotto. There may be a lead on where it is. The group is in hopes of finding it and, perhaps, relocating it to a grotto on the grounds of Althoff. This is still in the early "talk" stages. But what a wonderful idea!!

                                      Snips and Snaps

Fellow Grad, Marilyn Avult Stacy, Class of 1954, has a new book published with her collection of poetry. It is called Sometimes You Have To Laugh...a poet's look at cancer. Here is what another AND ALUM, Shirley Vogler Meister, had to say about the book:

 ..."Her words are perceptive and healing! This collection of poetry is life-affirming and wonderfully sensitive. ..for women with breast cancer...for anyone facing any type cancer or medical challenge."

To read some excerpts and more rave reviews, just click on the title above.

The class of 1954 is planning a 55- year reunion this year on August 21 and 22nd.

Do you have reunion news? How about some pictures? Do you have any current news that you would like to share on this e-newsletter? Do you have some memories/pics of your class that were unique? Would you share them? This website will grow with your memories!! Please contact Marilyn Niemann Kinsella (class of 1965) at for comments.

My name is Jeanne Cordie Edgar, class of "61.  I have all the info from my class.  Our last class reunion was  last fall. I will send you a photo from that reunion when I have time.

A couple notes.  The Academy song changed over the years.  I know this because I have written a play that we put on for classes for their reunions over the past 5 years.  Some of them sing their Academy song and it is different than the one that we sing. 

Anyone interested in having us perform at their reunion can contact me at 618 236 0661 or We have 3 original school uniforms and one gym uniform.  I have my original prom dress which I wear in the play.


We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they're called memories. Some take us forward, they're called dreams.

                                                         Jeremy Irons quotes (British Actor, b.1948)


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