Academy of Notre Dame Belleville, Illinois
Click on Illinois High School Glory Days to see another website with info about "Alma"
Welcome to the hallowed halls of the Academy. Each room is filled the memories of the sights, the sounds, the smells...that were uniquely those of the Academy. Whether it was the stained glass windows of the alabaster chapel or the swell of voices at the change of classes or the smell of candle wax and furniture polish, it all comes together to paint a picture of what was...the Academy of Notre Dame.
For many years the School Sisters of Notre Dame provided the nuns that ran the school. Their black and while figures stood at the end of the halls beckoning the students to come inside. They not only taught academics but a way of life. As much as their charges tried to rebel, the nuns remained steadfast to their cause - to shape each girl into a caring, well-educated, young lady.
But, just as the pointed collar and cuffs and student council beanies disappeared, so has the Academy. In the early 1970's, the coal mines underneath it's foundations were beginning to crumble, especially under Visitation Hall, so the older buildings were torn down. Only Regina Hall, the new gym, still stands as a medical center. The Academy is no longer. All the former students have are impressions.
Besides these pages, AND also has a group presence on Facebook. Just look for "groups" and type in "Academy of Notre Dame, Belleville IL" Grads from all years are signing on. Hope to see you there.
It's my hope that these web pages will be used to gather those impressions; to provide a place where former students can keep in touch; to honor those who provided us with these memories. I asked for memories from the various graduating classes. Below, there are some of the classes and their treasured memories. I'm still looking for classes to contribute.
To add your memories - Memory starters - please share
Read-A-Wee - Read-all-about-it. Excerpts and pages from our own AND newspaper! Unedited...uncut...the real thing!!
I'd love to hear from you! Marilyn
Niemann Kinsella Class of '65