
                     42 Reasons For Teaching Storytelling

                                                 Compiled by Victoria Gregor,
           Booker T. Washington Middle Magnet School, Hillsborough County Public Schools

Why teach using STORYTELLING? Just think about the possibilities. The following is from the Tampa-Hillsbourgh County Strotytelling Fesitval's coaching manual for teaching storytelling to youths.


1.. Provides positive sharing experiences for students.

2.. Benefits the listener as well as the teller.

3.. Provides opportunities for self-expression.

4.. Fosters development of self-confidence, pride, poise, and self-esteem.

5.. Stimulates interest in reading for pleasure.

6.. Skills learned are transferred to other reading and writing activities.

7.. Shows the relationship between the written word and spoken word.

8.. Enhances vocabulary and language development.

9.. Teaches and reinforces oral skills in all areas of the curriculum.

10.. Introduces effective patterns of language.

11.. Supports and reinforces concepts taught across the curricula.

12.. Promotes development of listening skills.

13.. Develops and strengthens visualization skills.

14.. Develops awareness of how words affect an audience.

15.. Gives students insight into human behavior and motives.
16.. Reinforces and enhances both writing and reading skills.

17.. Creates a link between reading skills and writing skills.

18.. Promotes internalization of effective writing techniques.

19.. Provides an opportunity for students from all reading levels to succeed.

20.. Enhances development of higher thinking and analytical skills.

21.. Strengthens the ability for recognition and memory of details.

22.. Develops an awareness of varied writing styles.

23.. Enhances ability for identification of main idea.

24.. Aids in strengthening ability to recognize sequencing details.

25.. Develops higher level of comprehension.

26.. Fosters the development of creativity.

27.. Provides for subconscious acquisition and familiarity with narrative patterns.

28.. Furnishes a vehicle for the passing on of factual information.

29.. Promotes an enthusiasm for learning.

30.. Creates an opportunity for students to have fun while learning.

31.. Gives teachers insight into students' feelings.

32.. Is a tool for evaluating and capitalizing on students' strengths.

33.. Provides teachers an opportunity to learn a great deal about the needs of their students.

34.. Fosters positive peer interaction and cooperation.
35.. Promotes an appreciation for the talents of others.

36.. Effectively integrates social studies and science into the language arts curriculum.

37.. Assists in meeting almost all State Standards.

38.. Assists in meeting criteria for local district  benchmarks.

39.. Reinforces learning of  Writing skills.

40.. Helps promote multi-cultural sensitivity and understanding.

41.. Keeps alive the beliefs and culture of a people.


Reluctant students who do not feel as competent as their peers in reading and writing, and who are considered "losers" by themselves and others, often become the star storytellers. This positive experience turns students around and changes their outlook on what they can accomplish.

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