Ten Good Reasons to Belong to Riverwind    

                                                                               RIVERWIND TELLER

1.You are a part of the Metro-St. Louis Area community of tellers that brings stories to the masses since 1981.

2. You can discover ways to improve your telling by watching, and listening...and telling!.

3. RW provides opportunities for our active, dues paying members to get paying jobs. Many times throughout the year we get phone calls for local tellers. The caller will be given your name and contact info with a run-down of the types of stories you tell.

4. Monthly meetings provide a safe place to try out your new stories as well as to brush up your tried and true.

5.You can attend RW's mini-workshops at our meetings to learn more about a particular area of storytelling.

6. You can become an active volunteer and, oftentimes, a local teller at the St. Louis Storytelling Festival.

7. At our meeting you can hear about storytelling events going on in our area, state, and around the country.

8.  You will meet new friends who not only tell stories, but hold parties, pot lucks, and summertime picnics.

9. You can attend our Riverwind Whirlwind Weekend that features nationally and internationally-known tellers who share their expertise with Riverwind. Read more about our 30-year history of providing a quality workshop. These workshops not inspire you to do new work, you also get to personally know these famous tellers. They become our friends for life!

10. You can be a part of the Riverwind Storytellers who go to libraries, special events, schools, and other paying jobs. The money goes into the treasury.

Being a Riverwind Storyteller makes you a part of the web of storytellers and guilds across our nation. We are members of the Illinois Storytelling, Inc. National Storytelling Network, Jacoby Arts Center.

Our Riverwind members have gone on to be featured at many storytelling festivals and to be workshop leaders at leading storytelling conferences.  We welcome the gifts that you will bring to our table.