Riverwind Biographies

The Riverwind Storytellers, Co. is made up or a variety of storytellers from many walks of life who have come together to pursue their love of storytelling. Oftentimes, we go out to tell as a group, but the storytellers, also tell individually. Some Riverwinders come to meetings to listen and to share a story. Some tell stories as part of their jobs as teacher, librarian, minister, chemist or even a former FBI agent. Some tell part-time, and some are telling full-time. Not only do their prices differ from teller to teller, but their preferences for audiences also differ. Some prefer only adults, others children, others all ages. Each storyteller is unique in the way that he or she presents a story. Some are very dramatic, while some sit in a chair and let the words carry the listener away. There is no right or wrong way to present a story as long as it done with passion and a love for the story.

Any member of Riverwind can have their bio on this page. We encourage you to talk the teller and see, if she or he would be appropriate for your event. These pages are offered to the public as a service. Although our storytellers are professional in their own right, Riverwind is not liable for any possible dissatisfaction with any performance.

                         To access the individual web pages, just click on the teller's name:


bullet Phyllis Hostmeyer
bullet Marilyn Kinsella  http://www.marilynkinsella.org
bullet Stephanie Rhein
bullet Roger Rose
bulletKaren Young
bulletMarion Nichols  https://www.linkedin.com/pub/marion-nichols/45/6b2/178



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