Shaggy the Shamefully Dirty Dog


                                                     by: Marilyn A. Kinsella


PUPPETS:  Bud, Shaggy Dog, Cat, Hen  

PROPS: Scrub brush on Bud’s hand: pieces of black/brown felt that can be attached and unattached with Velcro; baby powder; tree or vine on one side of stage

NOTE: There is one tricky part. When the cat is in the tree, you can't see her because you have to have that hand free for Bud to come into picture. As he climbs the tree, have him disappear but keep on talking as you put on the cat puppet.


Act 1  (Bud is on stage. He has a bar of soap and/or a scrub brush in his hand. Shaggy is peeking in and out)

B.    Oh, Shaggy, Where are you, boy?  Lookee here, boy.  I’ve got something you like.  Come on, boy.  Come here.

S.     (make whimpering sounds as Bud gets close) 

B.    Come on.  It’s time for your bath.  You’re getting a mighty woofily smell about you, old boy.  Come here so we can get you nice and clean so you smell as fresh as an Irish spring.

S.     (whimpers- shakes head)

B.    Now, Shaggy, you know you like your bathy time. Lots of bubbles!  Lots of fun!

S.     (barks and runs off stage)

B.    Shaggy, don’t run away.  Please, come back!  (to audience)  I hope Shaggy comes back home.


ACT 2 

K.   Meow, that was pretty good.  Bud is angry at Shaggy so Shaggy ran away.  That dog is always chasing me up trees and growling at me.  Ha, ha - now Bud will be my best friend.  Look, here comes that smelly bag of fur now.  (Shaggy enters)  Hey Shaggy.  You want to chase me up a tree? 

S.     No.  I’m running away from home.  Bud wants to give me a bath.  And I hate baths - especially ones with soap and water.  At least now I won’t have to put up with your caterwauling anymore.   

K.   Can’t say I’ll miss you either.  Go chase your tail somewhere else.


ACT 3 (put some baby powder under Hen and set her on top) 

H.    (brauck! Brauck!)  Look who has come to my barnyard for a visit.  It’s that smelly ole canine, Shaggy, from town. Brauck!  Hey Shaggy, what are you doing here? 

S.     Hi, Henrietta. I’m running away from home. Bud is trying to drown me in bubbles, so I hit the road. 

H.    That’s terrible!  Whenever I want to get clean, I just scratch around in the dirt and ruffle my feathers.  It’s called frazzling.   Why don’t you try it, Shaggy?

S.     Anything is better than being pelted with Palmolive.

(both wiggle around so powder raises up) 

H.    There!  Isn’t that refreshing? 

S.     (sneezing)  I don’t think so.  I must be allergic to your cleaner.

H.    Allergic?  Why dust is 99 and 44 one-hundredths percent pure!

S.     (sneezing)  Well, that 56 one-hundredths percent is killing me.  Thanks anyway Henrietta. But I think I’ll go visit Happy the Hog.  Maybe he has an idea.

H.    Brauck!  I suppose frazzling just isn’t for everyone.


ACT 3   (Shaggy re-enters dirtier than before – more felt pieces) 

S.     Whoa!  Happy thinks he’s in hog heaven while taking a mud bath.  But it just made my fur all smelly and sticky.  I think I’ll just have to go back to Bud.  Oh, look, here he comes now.  (goes up to Bud and happily barks) 

B.    What a strange dog!  Go home you dirty ole dog.  Go away. (exits) 

S.     (Whimpering till Bud leaves)  Bud didn’t recognize me.  What am I going to do now? 

K.   (off stage meowing loudly - out of sight for this scene) 

S.     That’s Katie.  I wonder what’s wrong.  Katie where are you? 

K.   I’m up here on the top of this tree and I can’t get down.  Please help me.

S.     Katie, you know I can’t climb trees.

K.   But you have to help me.

S.     I know I’ll keep barking till I get someone’s attention (keep barking) 

B.    (enters)  What’s all that noise?  Why it’s that strange dog and he’s barking at that tree.  What is it?  What do you see?  (cat - meow)  Oh, it’s Katie.  She’s caught at the top of this tree.  Don’t worry Katie I’ll rescue you.  (looks like he’s climbing a tree to the right of the stage and exits, but you still hear Bud’s voice)  That’s it girl. (meow) Come here.  I’ll take you back. (meow) That’s it.  (exchange Bud for cat puppet while talking) Go ahead jump down on the ground.

K.   (enters) MEOW! 

S.     Are you okay? 

K.   My fur is ruffled a bit, but otherwise I’m okay. You save my life - boy. (look at audience - get it lifebouy? ) Thanks for helping me.  I wish I could do something to show my appreciation. 

S.     Well, actually you can.  Bud doesn’t recognize me.  Can you help me get rid of all this dirt and grime?

K.   Yes, but it’s going to seem rather gross.  You see, us felines from coast to coast (get it – coast?) keep our fur clean and shiny by licking our coats clean.  So, if you want I’ll lick your fur clean.

S.     I’m willing to try anything so Bud will recognize me.

K.   All right.  Just hold still.  (take felt pieces off Shaggy)

K.   Phtt! Gack! Orgk!  What were you doing - rolling around in pig slobber?

S.     Yeah, well, kind of. I never thought I’d hear myself say this but…thanks Katie.

K.    Yeah, whatever. If you’ll excuse me I have to wash my mouth out with high-powered -extra strength Listerine. (exits)

S.  I just hope Bud recognizes me. I promise that I will keep squeaky clean from now on! Oh, here comes Bud – Woof! Woof!

B.    Shaggy, my good doggie. I’m so glad to see you.  I’m so glad that that strange, dirty dog is gone. You are my good doggie, aren’t you?.  And, just to show how happy I am to have you back, I’m going to give you an extra big bubble bath.

S.     (barks happily and nods his head) Woof!  Woof!

B.    That’s right, Shaggy, let’s sing our soap song. 

Soap, soap, we like soap

Soap in the hand or soap on a rope

We’re no dope

Cause we like soap

Soap, soap, soap!