Versions of the Academy of Notre Dame Song

Tis our school so dear we shall never fear
While to her our hearts do cling
While our voice her praises sing
To her honor laurels bring.
And to her we’ll give while we e’er shall live
Devotion and our aid
For ‘tis a gift from above
That we cherish and love
With a heart that is undismayed
So we march along with colors flying
The white and blue, the white and blue
With glorious hue, with glorious hue.
Proclaims with joy that we are replying
To the taunts of the world
With our banner unfurled
Which means we shall win
Our colors white and blue
To them we’ll loyal be and true
Our hearts are thrilled to see
The blue for hope, the white for purity
Colors white and blue
To them we’ll loyal be and true
In our hearts shall enshrine
Notre Dame, our school, yours and mine.

Found in the 1946 AND Handbook


Academy of Notre Dame
Our grateful love we bring.
But first of all, to Mary dear
The Mother of our King.
All Hail. All Hail.
The days we spent at Notre Dame
All Hail. All Hail.
Our memories e’er acclaim.

A school of Our Lady fair
We sing your praises true.
Devotion and fealty
Will be our gift to you.
All Hail. All Hail.
Our colors blue and snowy white
All Hail. All Hail.
Our hope, our pure delight.

O noble classmates brave and true
Obedient to each rule.
How beautiful, but dutiful
The royal road of truth.
All Hail. All Hail.
Our motto and our surest goal
All Hail. All Hail.
“Dare be different,” is our rule.
Notre Dame, we love you!

Submitted by Pat Baeske Class of 1960