Vision 2009 – Letter of Intent




The quality Catholic education that Althoff Catholic High School provides must be preserved and passed on to

 future generations.  I/we wish to strengthen the Catholic faith by supporting Catholic secondary education;

therefore, I/we give the following gift to Althoff Catholic “Vision 2009” Campaign.


                                      LEVELS OF GIVING:

Cornerstone Club                                  $100,000 and above                               

Benefactor                                             $20,000-$24,999             

Visionary                              $50,000-$99,000                                    Patron                                                                  $10,000-$19,999     

Legacy Circle                                      $25,000-$49,000                                                  

Crusader Club                                    $6000-$9999

                                                                                                                     Sponsor                                                $3000-$


          All other donors will be recognized as Friends of Althoff




            Gift Amount (Total Pledge):     $_______________

             Initial Payment:                         $_______________

             Balance Due:                           $_______________

·          I/we wish to make the balance of my/our gift payable on the following schedule. 

Please check one:

□     Annually           □     Semi-annually      □     Quarterly      □     Monthly

·          I/We wish to remit my/our gift over the next:

□    3 years                  4 years                 5 years            □     Other__________

·          I/We wish to make my/our gift in memory  of:______________________________

·          I/we wish to make a one time donation:__________________________________

Check here if you are an employee of a Matching Gift Corporation. You can double or triple your gift at no additional cost.  Please call your Personnel Office for details.





Donor Information:  (Please print)


    Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________


    Address : _________________________________________________________________________________________


    City, State, Zip:  __________________________________________________________________________________


    Home Phone : __________________________                                                               Work Phone:     _________________                                                                                  Cell Phone:       ___________________


    E-mail: ______________________________________________   


   Signature: ___________________________________________                            Date:__________________________              


   Please check any applicable boxes: Please check "Notre Dame Appeal"


 □   Althoff Catholic Parent          □     Grandparent     □     Friend     □     Business                   □     Parent of Alumni    

□    Notre Dame Appeal


      □     Althoff     □     Assumption    □     Cathedral         □     Central     □     Notre Dame      □     St. Teresa

                                                   Year of Graduation:  _______________

       Please make checks payable to:

       Althoff Catholic Vision 2009

       5401 West Main                                                                                                                               Belleville, IL 62226-4796