Lourdes Prayer Card with Stone from Our Lady's Chapel
Many of us have fond memories of the Academy. However, one stands out, perhaps, more than others - The Lourdes Grotto. Whether we came by car or bus, Our Lady greeted us. It was our welcoming "hello" as we entered the protective arms of the Academy. Nearby a school of goldfish swam in a clear pool. The statue was also the last thing we saw as we left for the day.
1965 - snow-covered grotto 1963 - Freshman C205
1959 - grotto with students.
Where is the statue now? That is one of life's little mysteries. I heard that someone in Belleville bought the statue at the auction and he has the statue in his garden. I have not been able to confirm that tidbit. If I do, I'd love to get a picture of it in its current setting.