Academy of Notre Dame - Class of 1965


                                                                    40th Reunion, 2005

                                                                  Fischer’s Restaurant                 Belleville IL

                                                                                    July 9th 2005






The committee hopes that you had as much fun at this Reunion as we did planning for it.  There’s a special bond between classmates that one never forgets.  By joining together for this special occasion, we strengthen that bond by reminiscing those cherished times of our high school years and the happenings in our lives since then.   God bless you all!

                                          Your committee

Barb Johnson                                             Carol (Schaefer) Daab

Jean (Orlet) Cerneka                                 Linda (Grogan) Brown



 (First)  Terri Biver, JoAnn Hartleb, Phyllis Zaganelli, Jean Schwarz, Jean Orlet, Cindy Randall, Mary Beth Baricevic, ... Jill Cavataio, 

(SECOND) Connie Kosydor, Mary Ann Ames, Debbie Weider, Mary Jo Vernier, Sharon Schaefer, Barb Johnson, Kathy Kregor, Diane Drovetta, Marsha Vernier, Susie Baltz, Marilyn Vernier, Judy Bailey,

(THIRD) Betty Fritsch, JoAnn Sommers, Mary Ellen Sullivan, Donna Becker, Cherlynn Sherman, Dana Valentin...Kay Nixon, Diane Zarcharski, Diane Wottawa, Marilyn Niemann, Shirley Prpich, Jo Ann Kinsella, Barb Bailey, Susan Vickery, Jane Loehr,

(FOURTH) ...Rita Sue Junod, Carol Schaefer, Mary Beth Bux, Pat Kiehl....,....Others in attendance on Saturday night,  but unidentified or out of the picture frame: Jane Bauer,  Linda Grogan, Judy Hoffman, Judy Kral, Diane Tylka, Kathy Wilshire, Sharon Christ, and Barb Zimmerman.


                                                       Thanks to Barb Johnson for this photo and those on consecutive pages.


                                                                                          Thanks to our fellow classmate Sue Scott (Rita Sue Junod) for providing the following poem:


                                                                                                                               CLASS REUNION

                                    It was my class reunion  And all through the house,

                                    I checked in each mirror  And begged my poor spouse

                                    To say I looked great, that  My chin wasn’t double

                                    And he lied through false teeth   Just to stay out of trouble!

                                    Said that ‘neath my thick glasses  My eyes hadn’t changed

                                    And I had the same figure,    Just a mite “rearranged!

                                    I swallowed his words ---    Hook, sinker, and line,

                                    And entered the banquet   Feeling just fine                                          

                                    Somehow I expected my Classmates to stay                                       

                                    As young as they were on    That long-ago day.

                                    I liked their warm hugs    But could see through the years,

                                    They’d added gray hair   Plus pounds to their rears!

                                    Yet, as we shared memories  And retold old jokes,

                                    We were eighteen in spirit   Though looked like our folks!

                                    So we turned up our “ear-aids,”   And dimmed down the light,

                                    Yes, we rolled back the years    And dimmed down the light,

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