Class of 1953

                                                                              Snips and Snaps...this and that

                                                                               To:  1953 Montage


Name  Pat Hellyer Schmeder                     To:  Class of 1953: The Reunion Years
Graduating class of ___1953
Parish St. Philip_


Marilyn, thank you so much for the happy memory boosters.
Pat Hellyer Schmeder

Read-A-Wee Staff - The Daily Planet, Clark Kent and Superman had nothing on Pat Schaefer Lindsey, Carol Diekemper Augustine and Betty Moerchen Cerilli, just to mention a few.  These ladies were SUPERWOMEN.

Glee Club - Not exactly the Supremes, but JoAnn Ganey Nadler, Betty Ann Neuf Terschluse and Rita Smith Fournie came pretty close.

Dramatics  - (Candle in Umbria) - Kathryn "Toots" Hummert Timmerman and Carol Muckenstrum Hudack playing nuns who forsake their earthly possessions to embrace the poverty of St. Francis played by Pat Hellyer Schmeder. St. Francis is still waiting.  The Drama Club President was Mary Lou Sweeney Thouvenot.

Sports - "Yeah Blue, Yeah White, Fight Team! Fight! Fight!"  Great Teams, Managers, Pep Club and Coach Riva.  Who could ask for anything more.  As sophomores we defeated the seniors in basketball.  They weren't too happy about that.

Notre Dame's Fairest:
May Queen - Joanne Helms Sanders
All-Catholic Girl of 1953 - Phyllis Prindable Lang
Representative to C.B.C. - Mary Prosser Harper
Mary N.D. - Barbara Salanik Doussard

Funny Stuff -   One afternoon a large number of Seniors (Class of 53) were thrown out and or jumped out the first floor homeroom window.  It was easy going out the window but very hard getting back in the building with a nun waiting at the door for us. 

More Funny Stuff: Presidential MOCK Election, November, 1952 - Presidential candidates tasted both victory and defeat at Notre Dame.  Mary Augustine Hudson as General Eisenhower was defeated 2 to 1 in the mock election by Pat Hellyer Schmeder who represented Governor Stevenson.  In the real election the tables were turned giving President Ike the victory.  

                                          Pat sent more information on the Class of 1953 on 1/15/11



Varsity Basketball Team 1953

Miss Riva Coach.

Thanks you for the email.  I will email you some pictures from the class of 1953 that I just found
"stored" away.
I will fill out your form attached also.
You are doing a great thing and much appreciated by the
AND girl.
Pat Hellyer Schmeder
Class of 1953
5704 Seasons Ridge
Smithton, IL 62285

Pat found this picture in the Belleville Museum of Labor and Industry in 2012. Our school may be gone but the memory lives on:


More pics from Pat in January, 2011...

I have more pictures and snap shots ... these are just a few.  .  Again thanks for what you are sharing with the "girls".  My name is Patricia Hellyer Schmeder.  I am a proud 1953 graduate of AND/NDA.  I was one of those kids that took 2 buses (or one bus and walked from Edgemont to Holy Cross Road, Fairview Heights, IL. home.  My parish was St. Philip's, Church Lane, French Village/E.St.Louis, IL. 


Article in the Read-A-Wee 1952.



Pride & Prejudice - All Art Festival 1952
I have names of most of the students.


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